Lightning Alert Systems
Lightning alert systems are the answer to India’s lightning problem. A lightning alert system is an advanced, automatic alerting system consisting of horn, strobe, text, email, and/or visual alerts that prompt people to get to safety and secure property before dangerous weather conditions arrive.
The most effective lightning alerting systems for India include these three key features:

Early Warning Systems in Action
Do early warning systems really work in India? Ours do. Earth Networks works together with various states and meteorological entities in India
to increase lightning safety with early warning systems and weather intelligence. Our Total Lightning Network is active throughout the country (In places like West Bengal, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Odisha) and powers multiple components of statewide early warning systems like lightning horns and alerting applications.
One of the most lightning-prone regions of India is the state of Odisha. In 2019, Odisha's lightning deaths declined by 31% after the office of the SRC and Odisha’s Disaster State Disaster Management Authority (OSDMA) partnered with Earth Networks. Earth Networks provides OSDMA with advanced information from their total lightning network to alert citizens and enable them to take the required precautionary measures to save lives.
Help Build the Nationwide Network
- It’s time to end the constant news of weather-related lightning deaths in India.
- It’s time to increase weather resiliency.
- It’s time to build a nationwide lightning.
About Earth Networks
- Earth Networks, part of the AE Monitoring family of innovators, helps organizations mitigate financial, operational, and human risk by providing environmental intelligence from the world’s largest hyperlocal weather network.
- Schools, airports, sports teams, utilities and government agencies rely on our early warning solutions to safeguard lives, prepare for weather events, and optimize operations.
- Companies across all industries use our weather data to automate decisions regarding risk management, business continuity, and asset protection.
Lightning Safety Information
At the end of this guide, you’ll also find a printable lightning safety poster to help keep people safe when severe weather approaches. Please share this resource with anyone who is at risk of dangerous lightning strikes.
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