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Golf Safety
Weather Solution Buying Guide

There's lightning on the horizon. How do you quickly alert and protect your patrons?

Year over year, Earth Networks detects over 100 MILLION total lightning strikes in the United States. More than 80% of those strikes never touch the ground but detecting them is a helpful tool for issuing early warning alerts that severe weather is in the area.

Unfortunately, lightning still poses a serious risk of injury (and even death) for those who love the outdoors. Just look at this lightning strike incident at a PGA Tour Championship event which goes to show that more education and stronger safety policies are needed to keep your patrons safe and limit liability for your club.

It's time to roll up your sleeves and get to work making your club a safer place for all your staff and patrons. 

The Golf Safety Weather Solution Buying Guide will help you develop an effective weather safety policy and install the right technology to ensure your club is weather-ready.

You can expect to learn about:

  • How to plan for severe weather events at your club
  • The latest tools available for detecting and alerting on lightning at your club 
  • How to automatically alert your patrons and staff when lightning is dangerously close and get everyone moving to safety
  • How to know with certainty when to let your golfers back out after the storm passes

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Table of Contents

  • Golf & Weather

  • Developing a Weather Safety Policy with the Three Pillars

    • Pillar One: Analyze

    • Pillar Two: Plan

    • Pillar Three: Implement

  • Building the Ultimate Weather Safety Stack

  • Contact


Golf & Weather 

When it comes to running a golf club, there’s a lot you can predict. On beautiful fall mornings, you can predict a higher number of golfers and plan by scheduling more caddies. During the hottest days of summer, you can predict members will flock to your pool and plan by moving most of your waiting staff outdoors and making sure there are extra towels on hand. But not everything is so easy to predict.

In fact, one of the most unpredictable things in the golfing industry is the weather. When you don’t plan appropriately for the weather, the consequences can be very serious.

While there is no weather safety solution that fits every golf course, the best route to safety is always preparedness. In this guide, we’ll go over the proper way to prepare and the tools that can help you carry out your plans quickly to minimize severe weather risks at your golf course. We’ll also show examples from some of our most weather-ready club customers, including Army Navy Country Club in Virginia and Bethesda Country Club in Maryland.

Don't have time to read the guide now? Click here to download a PDF version.

Developing a Weather Safety Policy with the Three Pillars

There’s a lot to worry about with the critical task of mitigating severe weather at your golf course but don’t worry. We have a plan that covers everything.

An effective weather safety protocol includes three easy-to-remember pillars: Analyze, Plan, and Implement (API).

In this section, we’ll dive into all three pillars, so you understand how to build a strong and effective weather safety policy for your club. So get out a notebook or your existing weather safety plan and get ready to craft a plan that protects everyone from severe weather!


Pillar One: Analyze

The first step in developing a weather safety policy for your club is analysis. You must analyze several areas to ensure you consider all activities and stakeholders when severe weather threatens your club. We recommend the following areas for a thorough analysis.

    Who or what are you trying to protect? When are they in danger?
    What activities put your people/assets in danger?
    What weather events are you susceptible to? (like lightning, heat, or snow)
    What rules must you follow?
    What do you do during each threatening event? Where does everyone take shelter?

When creating your sheet, make sure you write everything down. It’s fine to include details, notes, or questions. This will help you craft the most effective policy. We also recommend having others in your group look over your analysis to ensure you didn’t miss anything.

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