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There are many unseen threats when it comes to playing sports or training outdoors. Heat and lightning are two of the greatest threats for athletes and spectators.

When it comes to lightning, more than 80% is in-cloud which means you may not see or hear it until it's too late. And last year was the second hottest year on record, following a trend of warmer weather that has spanned decades. These high temperatures lead to heat stress and heat exhaustion that can be very dangerous. It is incredibly difficult to protect yourself, your athletes, and your visitors from these hidden threats without the help of a weather monitoring and alerting system.

Are you prepared to tackle heat stress, lightning, and severe weather this year? 

This Outdoor Sport Weather Solution Buying Guide will clearly outline a 3-step process for developing a weather safety policy to keep everyone safe outdoors at schools, parks, and sports complexes. 

The guide will also explore the different tools available today to support weather safety and help you determine which tools you need to implement.

You will learn:

  • The weather threats and impacts to schools, parks, and sports complexes
  • A framework for developing your weather safety policy
  • The latest tools and technologies to support weather safety

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Table of Contents

  • Athletic Safety & Weather Introduction

  • Weather Threats & Impacts to Schools, Parks, and Sports Complexes 

  • Developing a Weather Safety Policy with the Three Pillars

    • Analyze

    • Plan

    • Implement 

  • The Tools You Need to Build the Ultimate Weather Safety Stack

    • Real-Time Storm Tracking

    • Localized Weather Forecasts

    • Customized Mobile Alerts

    • Lightning Alerting Horn & Strobe

    • 24/7 Access to Meteorologists for Events

    • Online Weather Center

    • Public Weather Display

    • Managed Weather Equipment

  • Conclusion


Athletic Safety & Weather

Sports and recreational activities have tons of benefits for participants. Outdoor activities provide athletes with fresh air, exercise, teamwork and leadership skills, and so much more. These events also provide spectators and guests with a form of entertainment in the great outdoors. While playing sports and spending time in the fresh air can be a lot of fun, it can also be dangerous if you’re not careful.

It seems like everywhere you look there are threats to your athletes and guests at schools, parks, and sports complexes. When most people think about the dangers of sports or outdoor activities, broken bones or concussions come to mind first. These types of injuries from both contact and non-contact are common and serious but they aren’t the only threats lurking.

Both newsworthy (like hurricanes) and every day weather events (such as a common thunderstorm) can have a profound impact on the overall safety of your outdoor recreation activities. If you don’t know anything about weather safety at schools, parks, or sports complexes, this is a great place to start. Get ready to learn to build your outdoor sport weather safety policy from the ground up and how to implement an effective weather technology stack to make your safety procedures automated, effective, and second nature at your facilities.

The goal? Achieving a safe environment free from weather threats for your athletes, staff, and visitors while having time to focus on other operational initiatives.

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Weather Threats and Impacts to Schools, Parks, and Sports Complexes

The first step to creating a weather-safe facility is understanding what weather events can cause danger in the first place.

Weather presents similar problems to single-site schools, school districts, park and recreation departments, and sports complexes. Your job as the Athletic Director, Director of Parks and Recreation, or Operations Manager, is to know what weather threats are coming and to have the tools and processes in place to manage them.

Depending on your location, there are a ton of dangerous and destructive weather events that may cause trouble for your outdoor activities.

These include:

  1. Big severe weather events like hurricanes and cyclones
  2. Every day severe weather events like lightning, extreme cold, high winds and heat waves

Whether it’s a high-impact, low-frequency event like a tropical cyclone, or something more common like extreme heat, there are plenty of stakeholders affected. It can be overwhelming to think about all at-risk parties, so we like to break it up into four distinct operational groups:

  1. Athletic Director for a single school
  2. Athletic Director for a school district
  3. Director of Parks and Recreation
  4. Operations Manager at a sports facility or complex

Job Function: Athletic Director, Athletic Trainer, and Support Staff

Responsibilities: Ensure students, spectators, coaches, referees, and opponents safety during school athletics and sporting events

Challenges: Effectively monitoring severe weather threats, swiftly alerting all stakeholders, and initiating your safety protocol

What to Look For: Weather solutions with multiple methods for issuing alerts to quickly alert staff, students, and visitors to weather threats


Job Function: Athletic Director, Athletic Trainer, and Support Staff

Responsibilities: Ensuring students, spectators, coaches, referees, and opponents safety during school athletics and sporting events for multiple locations

Challenges: Effectively monitoring severe weather threats, swiftly alerting all stakeholders, and initiating your safety protocol across multiple locations

What to Look For: Weather solutions that support collaboration, coordination, and communication across select groups to automatically notify the right people at the right time when weather threatens


Job Function: Director of Parks and Recreation

Responsibilities: In charge of the safety of all operations within outdoor and indoor spaces at your facilities for activities such as sports league events, exercise classes, water activities, and leisure activities 

Challenges: The events, stakeholders, and weather threats vary day by day

What to Look for: A wide-reaching weather solution that is easily understandable, swift and timely to reliably alert anyone at your facility to the weather threat


Job Function: Operations Manager, Facilities Manager, and Support Staff

Responsibilities: In charge of the safety of all operations at sports facilities for activities such as sports league events, tournaments, and other events

Challenges: Coordination and communication with large groups of athletes and visitors 

What to Look for: Weather solutions to notify your staff and visitors simultaneously to the weather threat 

By identifying what group you fall into, you can more easily learn about how to build an outdoor sport weather safety policy that meets your needs and implement it at your facility.


Up Next: Developing a Weather Safety Policy with the Three Pillars

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