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Virtual Learning With Weather - Build a successful distance learning curriculum incorporating weather

Many schools have transitioned to online learning or hybrid models. Are your students engaged with your curriculum? Looking for some ideas to change things up a bit. This webinar is for you.

In this session we will show you innovative ways to use weather technologies and tools in your curriculum to create an exciting set of STEM lessons your students will love.

Wednesday, Oct. 21
4pm ET

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2020/10/21 4:00 PM EST

About this series 

In the STEM Educational Webinar Series, we discuss the ways you can use Earth Networks tools and the GLOBE Program platform to bring weather-related lesson plans to your classroom - all in just 30 minutes! 

Register for another upcoming episode of the series:

About the host

Nathan Parker
Support and Training Consultant at Earth Networks

Nathan Parker is a Support and Training Consultant who has been with Earth Networks since the days of WeatherBug. He currently handles training webinars, produces training content on Earth Networks products and services, and assists the Customer Success Team with technical support calls and emails to customers. 

Nathan is also the former President/CEO of Mallard Computer, Inc., was a national member of the NFSM (piano auditions), earning the gold Paderewski medal his final year. In addition to his work for Earth Networks, he is also a Ph.D. student, as well as contributes to a weather blog for his area (WeatherTogether) and is active in keeping his community safe during severe weather with weather updates on Twitter.

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