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STEM Professional Development On-Demand Webinar Library

Attend one of the many STEM Professional Development webinars hosted by Earth Networks whenever time allows. Every webinar in this library is available on demand for your convenience and we'll toss in a few live sessions as well. 


In the STEM Educational Webinar Series, we discuss the ways you can use Earth Networks tools and the GLOBE Program platform to bring weather-related lesson plans to your classroom - all in just 30 minutes! 
Live Webinar Thumbnail - STEM - Top 10 Disasters


Top 10 Weather Disasters in U.S. History

Wednesday, Sep. 16 at 4 PM ET

This month we will be looking at the Top 10 Weather Disasters in U.S. History! What were they? When were they? Can you guess what types of weather events caused the most destruction in U.S. history?

Teach your students about the importance of preparing for severe weather and taking appropriate action.


Live Webinar Thumbnail - STEM - Emergency


Responding to a Severe Weather Emergency

Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 4 PM ET

This month's topic is a little bit different. We're going to look at how to respond to a severe weather emergency. These are live-saving tips from real-word examples of severe weather events to help you and your students prepare in the event of an emergency.

Join us for life-saving tips everyone should know!


Live Webinar Thumbnail - STEM - Clouds


Clouds 101

On Demand

This month, we will be looking at clouds. No, our heads are not IN the clouds, this will be an exploration of clouds from a scientific perspective that you can translate into STEM lessons that engage and delight your students.

Join us to learn all about cloud formation, the types of weather associated with different clouds, and how to use the latest weather tools to teach your students about clouds.



STEM On-Demand Webinar: NGSS


Aligning Weather Lessons to NGSS

In this 30-minute session, your host Nathan Parker covers the basics of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), how the standards work to support STEM learning, and how weather-related lessons plans align to the standards.


STEM On-Demand Webinar - Top 5 Weather Club Activities


Top 5 Weather Club Activities that Boost STEM Learning

In this 30-minute session, we examine weather clubs and the activities they do that can boost STEM learning. If you're thinking about starting a weather club (or wondering why you should) to boost STEM learning for your students, this session will help you get started!


STEM On-Demand Webinar- Let it Snow


Let it Snow!

In this 30-minute session, your host Nathan parker explores the fascinating world of snow! Learn all about how snow forms, the different types of snow, and how you can educate young minds with STEM lessons on snow and winter weather using the latest tools. 


STEM On-Demand Webinar - Weather Forecasting


Weather Forecasting in 3 Easy Steps

We all check at the weather forecast every day, but have you ever wondered exactly HOW meteorologists forecast weather patterns? In this 30-minute session, you and your students will learn about weather forecasting and how the latest tools can help you build a weather forecast.



Use the links below to access different resources mentioned in our webinars that support weather-related STEM education. 

Interested in exploring the weather in your classroom? 👇

We teamed up with THE GLOBE Program to put together a comprehensive weather technology package for your classroom. 

Engage young minds with a topic everyone is familiar with, weather!

Bring STEM education to life with: 

  • Visualized hyperlocal weather data through our worldwide network
  • Data mining capabilities
  • Your very on-site weather station 
  • Personalized curriculum and lesson plans from The GLOBE Program and Earth Networks

Start delighting your studentsUpperRight_Red2


Before you go, check out some of our other great content resources:

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