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ICON Orlando Logo
Thursday, August 29th 2019
8401 International Dr #100, Orlando, FL 32819

A day of severe weather training, networking, and fun!

Join us in Orlando for AtmoSferic 2019, the first-ever severe weather preparedness event hosted by Earth Networks - your go-to resource for severe weather monitoring, alerting and forecasting solutions.

Not registered? Walk-in registrations will be accepted! 





Meet the Speakers - Real Customers, Real Stories

Severe Weather Training Sessions

In-person training and insights from the chief meteorologist on the front-lines here at Earth Networks. 

Mark Hoekzema, Chief Meteorologist at Earth Networks will cover the latest best practices, including: 


Do you plan on attending as a walk-in? Complete the form below to give us a heads up! See you Thursday.

We're giving away t-shirts! Tell us your size.

Why attend? 

This one-day event is your chance to review and improve your severe weather action plan and meet with the local leaders working to keep Florida communities safe from severe weather events.

The first-ever AtmoSferic event will bring together an intimate group of local leaders in emergency preparedness, business continuity, school safety, airport operations, and other key industries to discuss the key challenges posed by severe weather in Florida and share success stories. 

Whether you are an end user or top-level decision-maker that relies on Earth Networks' products and services, or simply the person responsible for severe weather safety for your organization, this is the event for you. Come learn about the latest best practices and product enhancements to help you prepare for severe weather events. 

Key highlights

  • One full day of training, networking, and fun
  • Networking with Earth Networks' customers and the people responsible for severe weather safety across a variety of industries
  • Discussion of the severe weather challenges in/around Florida and best practices for weather safety in the area
  • Success stories and tips from Earth Networks' customers in your industry
  • Happy hour and tickets to ride the iconic ICON Orlando 360 Observation Wheel

Connect with Your Local Earth Networks Community



Meet Face-to-Face with Earth Networks Executives

Hotel Recommendations

Traveling in from out of town? Here are some suggested hotels within walking distance of the ICON Park:

Embassy Suites by Hilton Orlando International Drive I Drive 360
8250 Jamaican Court, Orlando, Florida32819, USA
+1 (407) 345-8250

Allure Resort International Drive Orlando
8368 Jamaican Court, Orlando, Florida, 32819, USA
+1 (407) 345-0505

Comfort Inn International Dr.
8134 International Drive, Orlando, Florida, 32819, USA
+1 (407) 313-4000